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Subject Knowledge

Subject Knowledge Enhancement

Don’t hold back from applying for our programme due to your subject confidence. The SCITT will assess your subject knowledge at interview and may decide to offer you a place and provide some additional subject knowledge support for you either via an SKE (if available) or directed work.

If SKEs are available, they come with funding and courses can be arranged and organised by the SCITT. In the past candidates have been eligible for SKEs if:

  • Your degree is not in the subject you wish to teach but is related
  • You have A Levels in the subject you wish to teach, but not a degree
  • You have relevant work experience
  • You need to refresh your knowledge if it has been some time since you completed your degree

SKE courses are available in the following subjects we offer: maths, physics, languages (French, Spanish, German), chemistry, biology, geography, English and design and technology.